The staff, pupils, parents and Governors of Copthorne have worked together to design a balanced, rich and inspiring curriculum which specifically meets the academic, personal and social needs of our pupils whilst adhering to the requirements of the Primary National Curriculum 2014. In line with the school ethos that ‘Everyone can achieve at Copthorne’ leaders and governors are determined to offer all pupils a rounded set of experiences that prepare them well not only for their next steps in learning, but also for their life as citizens of a compassionate society.
The National Curriculum Programmes of Study are used as our core content and key, subject specific objectives and skills are repeated across each milestone, to ensure that subject specific knowledge and skills are strong.
A high priority is placed on the development of language skills from the outset for all pupils. The school provides opportunities for high quality talk and strong phonics teaching using Little Wandle.
Children are given many opportunities to learn through first-hand experience and a broad range of trips and visits are scheduled are planned each half term for all classes, including but not limited to visits to galleries, museums and libraries, residential outdoor adventure training, tours of local businesses and contrasting localities e.g. the seaside and other schools.
Opportunities for children to perform are embedded through all phases. Class performance assemblies, a KS1 Nativity, Year 6 Performance and ‘Copthorne’s Got Talent’ all provide a space for children to act, sing, dance and perform, developing essential communication skills.
Curriculum Overview
Please click on the links below to access an overview of the curriculum for each year group. If you would like any further information about the curriculum for your child’s year group please contact their class teacher, who will be happy to discuss it with you.
Saplings – 2 Year Old Provision
Key Stage One
Key Stage Two
Further Information
After exploring the information on our website, if you would like any further information about our curriculum, please feel free to contact school at