Trips and Visits 2023-2024

Horton Park: Autumn: Year 1:

Pupils identify and learn the signs of Autumn; changing leaf colour, conkers, falling seeds and leaves, leaves on the ground, and many more amazing Autumn signs.


Ingleborough Hall Residential: Year 6:

Ingleborough Hall Outdoor Education Centre is an historic lodge surrounded by acres of private grounds in the picturesque village of Clapham in North Yorkshire.
The venue sits just inside the Yorkshire Dales National Park, at the foot of Ingleborough hill. The area is home to many of the most famous caves in England, including the Ingleborough Show Cave.
The Hall itself dates to 1847 when the Farrer family of London owned it. They used it as a hunting lodge and country home. The Grade 2 listed building includes an icehouse, underground tunnel and eight acres of rich woodlands and formal gardens.
Today, Ingleborough Hall is an outdoor learning centre under the management of Bradford Council. It offers a variety of adventure activities and lessons for students on schools trips and residentials. Some of the daytime activities available for school groups visiting Ingleborough Hall include:
Caving, Gorge scrambling, Orienteering, Geocaching, Team building and problem-solving exercises, Village study, Tree climbing and many other activities.
For many students, a school residential at Ingleborough Hall will offer their first away-from-home experience, providing the perfect opportunity for them to become more independent.

Tree Climbing:
Gorge Scrambling:
Orienteering, Geocaching, Team building and problem-solving exercises and  Village study:

Cartwright Hall: Andy Warhol Workshop: Pop Art: Year 2:

Pop art is a style of art is based on simple, bold images of everyday items, such as soup cans, painted in bright
colours.  Pop artists created pictures of consumer product labels and packaging, photos of celebrities, comic strips, and animals.   


Cliffe Castle: Rocks and Fossils Workshop: Year 3 Alder:

Pupils became archaeologists, geologists and palaeontologists for the day in their quest to research rocks and fossils.  


Cartwright Hall: Mondrian Workshops: Year 1:

The workshop uses examples of Piet Mondrain’s artwork and other artworks to introduce children to shapes and colour. Piet Mondrian was a Dutch painter who was born in 1872. At one time, Mondrian painted realistic landscapes, but as he painted more and more, his style began to change. Eventually, Mondrian’s style consisted of geometric shapes and primary colours. After all, every shape can be created from the basic geometric shapes and every colour can be created from the primaries – red, yellow and blue.


Cliffe Castle: Stone Age to Iron Age Workshop: Year 3:

Pupils attended a workshop at Cliffe Castle to get an overview of the period from the Stone Age to the Iron Age in Britain and to evaluate some of the major changes during this time.  Pupils explored how lifestyles evolved during the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages, looking at the factors that led to Stone Age hunter-gatherers settling into early farming communities and how these settlements in turn developed further into the Iron Age.  During the workshop pupils also looked at Roman, Victorian and present day objects.


Cartwright Hall: David Hockney Workshop: Year 3:

Pupils learned about the Bradford born artist David Hockney and put their art skills into action using a variety of techniques.  They produced some stunning artwork.


Cartwright Hall: Early Islamic Civilisation: Year 5:

Pupils attended a workshop at Cartwright Hall to learn about the early history of the Islamic civilisation. This including learning about Baghdad from CE 900 and comparing it to Western Europe at around the same time. Baghdad at the time was the largest city in the world, with a population of about 1 million. It was a perfectly round city, with all the important buildings in the centre. Situated between two rivers, it was also at the centre of the world’s great trade routes.
Using artwork and artefacts pupils explored the historic origins of early Islamic civilisation and its influences and contribution to world culture. Pupils also tried their hand at some Arabic calligraphy.


Thackray Museum of Medicine: Florence Nightingale workshop: Year 2:

Pupils from Year Two went on a journey of discovery to explore the incredible world of medicine at the Thackray Medical Museum in Leeds.  The Museum is one of the largest medical museums in the UK; it is housed in the old Leeds Union Workhouse.

During the visit to the museum pupils participated in a Florence Nightingale Workshop. The workshop was led by Miss Nightingale herself (costumed actress). Miss Nightingale told the children about her life and her work as a Nurse during the Crimean War.  They joined Miss Nightingale on an exciting journey to the Crimea.  They explored the horrors of wartime hospitals before Florence Nightingale. They embarked on a thrilling journey to a Scutari hospital ward (Turkey) where they got to see how conditions improved and helped a poor wounded soldier. They spent some part of the day exploring the museum.  



Cliffe Castle: Living Things and Their Habitat Workshop: Year 1:

In this hands-on and fun workshop, pupils help to prepare for an animal dinner party. Pupils must find out the names of guests, what they eat, where they live.  Once they have gathered the information, they will introduce the guest.

The workshop uses a wide range of natural history specimens to help pupils explore and closely examine some of the plants and animals found in the local environment.


Tour de Bradford: Year 3:

Pupils have been learning about the Bradford District and its geographical features. They have been looking into the differences between the urban and rural areas. To understand this further they have been on a Tour de Bradford. The tour covered visiting some areas of the district to see and experience first-hand the geographical features and sights of each location. Pupils visited and travelled through; Bradford City, Oxenhope, Howarth, Harden (St Ives), Baildon (Trig point).
The Bradford Metropolitan District covers an area of approximately 141 square miles, stretching across Airedale, Wharfedale and the Worth Valley as well as Bradford city and the towns of Bingley, Ilkley, Keighley and Shipley. The district’s many other communities include Addingham, Baildon, Burley in Wharfedale, Cullingworth, Denholme, Eastburn, Eccleshill, Haworth, Menston, Oxenhope, Queensbury, Silsden, Steeton and Thornton.


Tropical world/Ann Maguire Education Centre/ Roundhay Park: Year 4:

Year 4 pupils visited the Ann Maguire Centre and Roundhay Park to participate in a woodland session which involved a scavenger hunt, learning how to measure trees and learning about woodland animals and their habitat. They then used the information and compared it to a much larger setting, the rainforest. They completed a task about the rainforest animals and learned the importance of protecting the ecosystem. In the afternoon they visited Tropical World to see some of the amazing animals they had been learning about.  


Industrial Museum: A Victorian Classroom: Year 3 Alder:

As local mill working children, pupils experienced lessons at Moorside Board School (1875) which included copywriting with dip pens, using slates and singing period songs.  Pupils further explored life in Victorian Bradford and the significance of the mill industry and local educational reform. Pupils got ‘hands on’ with the basic processes by which the fleece of a sheep is turned into cloth. Pupils took on roles to complete the process, learnt more about the children who worked in the mills and got to experience some of the noises and smells of the mills as they saw a selection of the machines running. The workshop explores the change from a small family cottage-run industry to mass mechanisation, including how Bradford changed during the Industrial Revolution.


Beardsworths Wholesale Nurseries and Garden Centre: Nutmeg Class and Hazel Class (Reception Classes):

Pupils visited Beardsworths Garden Centre and looked at different types of plants and trees.  They learned how plants grow and looked at the different parts including the leaves, flowers, seeds, roots, bulb, trunk, and branches.  They planted their own seeds and will see their plants grow in school.


Ilkley Moor: Year 3: 

Pupils visited Ilkley Moor to look at the geography and learn about the area.  They enjoyed the landscape, panoramic views and a good walk.


Cliffe Castle: Environment Explorers: Year 2:

Pupils visited Cliffe Castle to learn about different animals and how they adapt to their environments.  They explored the galleries and looked at the amazing displays, they then created their own fantastic environment artwork.  Pupils learned that a habitat provides animals with water, food and shelter.  Animals live in a habitat which provides an environment to which they are suited.


YORK: Jorvik Viking Centre & The DIG: Year 4: Vikings:

Year 4 pupils visited the City of York to explore the world of Vikings. They visited the Jorvik Viking Centre and the DIG.  The word York (Old Norse: Jórvík) is derived from the Brittonic name Eburākon.

JORVIK Viking Centre:
On arrival at JORVIK Viking Centre visitors are invited to board a specially commissioned time machine the doors are sealed and with some degree of light turbulence, you are hurtled backwards through time, creating the very real sensation of high-speed time travel! In-flight entertainment consists of a film showing the changing style and appearance of York’s streets and residents, as passengers are taken backwards in time through the centuries. With a sudden jolt the time machine malfunctions and speeds back too far, to the year 866AD, the year when Vikings invaded the city of York! The latest technology greets time-travellers as they board the suspended, six-seater, time capsules. Starting at the year 866AD, the capsules transports visitors through the war-like early Viking era and forward more than 100 years to the city of York, or JORVIK as it was known, in AD975.
What is DIG?
DIG is a hands-on archaeological adventure giving children the chance to become trainee ‘diggers’ and discover the most exciting artefacts from 2000 years of York’s history. With four special in-door excavation pits, all based on real-life digs in the city and filled with replica Roman, Viking, medieval and Victorian finds, children grab a trowel and explore how people lived in these times. Children can get hands on with history and actually touch finds from previous YAT digs, including pottery, bone and even antlers. They can discover what these artefacts tell us about the lives of people who used them.



Hesketh Farm Park: Reception Classes:  

Reception pupils visited Hesketh Farm Park to learn about different farm animals and how they are cared for.  They met many of the farm’s animals which they feed and stroked.  Pupils enjoyed handling the chicks, brushing the guinea pigs, feeding the lambs, goats and calves, meeting the horse & donkeys and travelling on the tractor ride around the field.   


Yorkshire Wildlife Park: Year 1:

Magna Science Adventure Centre: Year 3:

Magna Science Adventure Centre is set in the former Templeborough steelworks in South Yorkshire. It is a vast building, a third of a mile long and 150 feet high. Four pavilions house over 100 hands-on exhibits themed on Air, Earth, Fire and Water, the ‘elements’ needed for making steel, where you can discover and learn through investigation and play.  The spectacular Big Melt Show re-creates the story of the steelworks and provides a historical journey to educate children about the regions steelmaking heritage.


Doe Park Water Activities Centre: Kayaking and Canoeing: Year 5:

Doe Park is Bradford’s specialist centre for outdoor activities and education, situated on Doe Park reservoir in Denholme.



Cliffe Castle: Ancient Egyptians Workshop: Year 3 Alder:

