PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) runs throughout our curriculum and is also taught as part of a weekly lesson.
Our PSHE curriculum aims to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills, and understanding to lead healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives both now and in the future. It focuses on nurturing pupils’ personal development, emotional well-being, and social responsibility, enabling them to make informed decisions, develop positive relationships, and contribute positively to their communities and society.
All statutory aspects of Relationships & Health education are covered. Click here to view DFE guidance.
Our PSHE curriculum is designed to develop learners who:
- are well prepared to become active citizens both in school and in the local community
- develop a healthy and safe lifestyle, being able to make informed choices in a variety of contexts
- be able to develop good relationships and the ability to respect and empathise with others
- become self-confident, self-reliant, and exhibit positive self esteem
- acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding needed to become happy, healthy and positive citizens
- adopt positive attitudes and values
- develop interpersonal skills and the ability to work and co-operate with others
- promote British values and what democracy means for us
- celebrate equality, tolerance and diversity whilst challenging racism, bullying, homophobia and discrimination
Relationships Education Policy Sept 2023
RSE Expectations for Primary
PSHE Curriculum Overview
Year 6 Puberty
Year 5 Puberty
Summer Fair Letter 24
See example curriculum resources below
Different Families
Tolerance and Respect
Your Body Is Your Own Lesson – Consent