Handwriting Rewards
Handwriting Progress Award
*Children can achieve a ‘Handwriting Award’ on a two weekly bases. Teachers will choose a child who has implemented the taught skill (letter formation or join) within their work and therefore made progress (this does not have to be awarded to the child who has the neatest handwriting all of the time).
*The ‘Handwriting Award* will be a certificate and either a ‘trophy pencil’ or a ‘trophy topper’.
*The ‘Handwriting Progress Award’ will be awarded every other week and this will be arranged so that it is the week does not fall on a ‘Star of the Month’ award.
Pen Licence
*Children can achieve a ‘Pen Licence’ when they are consistently presenting expected standards for their year group in KS2 (and exceptional circumstances in KS1).
*In order to achieve a ‘Pen Licence’, expected standards for handwriting have to be evident across all books with a minimum of three pieces of work demonstrating expected presentation.
*Pen licences can be revoked if handwriting standards decrease.