
Copthorne Primary is a 2 form entry academy with 60 places available in each year group from Reception to Year 6 – giving a total of 420 places. We also have an 80 place Nursery and a 48 place provision for 2 year old’s (Saplings).


The Local Authority Admissions Team process all admissions to the main school and also the appeals procedure for these admissions. Admissions to the Nursery are processed by the school.

To apply for a Reception class place in our school you are required to apply online using the Bradford Council website found here.

Advice and guidance is offered to parents and other agencies regarding the availability of school places and all other admission and appeal related enquiries. More information about this can be accessed through the link to the Choice Advisor.


The Admissions Team also provides advice and guidance concerning current and new legislation relating to admissions and ensures that statutory responsibilities are carried out in accordance with the schools admission and appeal codes.

The telephone number for the Admissions Team is 01274 439200.

The email address is 

You can find further details and guidelines here:

Guide for parents | Bradford Council



‘In-year applications’ are defined as applications for admission to Reception which are submitted on or after the first day of the school year of admission, or applications for any other year group.

Our school is part of the Local Authority’s in-year co-ordination scheme for in-year admissions. Details of this scheme can be found online here In-year applications | Bradford Council or you can contact the School Admissions Team by emailing: or by telephoning 01274 439200.

Parents or carers living within the Bradford District who would like their child to move to our school should first contact their child’s current school to discuss the reasons for the transfer.


Please click on a policy to view it in full screen mode.

Admissions Policy 26-27

Admissions Policy 25-26

Admissions Policy 24-25

Fair Access Protocol

Nursery Admission

2 year old Nursery Admission
